• 923331282999      info@pksol.com




$username = "923*****";///Your Username
$password = "*****";///Your Password
$mobile = "923001234567";///Recepient Mobile Number
$sender = "SenderID";
$message = "Test SMS From sendpk.com";

////sending sms

$post = "sender=".urlencode($sender)."&mobile=".urlencode($mobile)."&message=".urlencode($message)."";
$url = "sms.pksol.com/web_distributor/api/sms.php?username=".$username."&password=".$password."";
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 10; // set to zero for no timeout
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$post);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$result = curl_exec($ch); 
/*Print Responce*/
echo $result; 


Parameter For PHP API

username Your Login Username (Required)
password Your Login Password (Required)
sender Your company Name/Brand Name like "xyz" Displayed of Recipient Mobile (Required)
mobile Recipient Mobile Number (Required)
message Message For Recipient (Required)
type Type = unicode for unicode SMS (OPTIONAL)
date dd-mm-YYYY Example: 25-02-2014 (OPTIONAL)
time hh:mm:ss Example: 21:30:55 (OPTIONAL)
format Type is xml and json. Not Case sensitive. If set, the result will be returned according to the type specified. (OPTIONAL)

Return Response and their Meanings

OK The message was successfully accepted for delivery.
1 Invalid Username Or Password
2 Please Type Username
3 Please Type Password
4 Please Type Sender ID
-4 Invalid Sender ID This Sender ID Is Not Register From P.T.A
Sender ID Up to 11 Words Please Type Short Sender ID
5 Please Type Receiver Mobile Number
6 Please Type Your Message
-6 Message Length Exceeded More Than 612 Character (type = Text)
Message Length Exceeded More Than 338 Character (type = unicode)
8 Low Credit Please Recharge Your Credit
9 SMS Rejected
7 Invalid Recipient Mobile Numbers Please Type Correct Mobile Number
10 Error! SMS Sending Failed Please Try Again Or Contact To Support
11 Invalid Date For Scheduled!

Send Single SMS Via HTTP API

Below Simple HTTP GET / POST METHOD example is given.


Successful Out Put Response

{"success":"true","type":"API","totalprice":"1","totalgsm":"1","remaincredit":"87 SMS","results":[{"status":"OK","messageid":"f41ff6a4-58af-4de0-832a-23ddef3fb325","gsm":"923001234567"}]}

Send Multiple SMS Via HTTP API

Below simple HTTP GET / POST METHOD example is given.


Successful Out Put Response

{"success":"true","type":"BULKSMS API","totalprice":"3","totalgsm":"3","remaincredit":"67 SMS","results":[{"status":"OK","messageid":"803bc8ec-2524-422b-a28a-5f2f51c3c454","gsm":"923101234567"},{"status":"OK","messageid":"e6458553-d12b-4ffb-8e73-f1345ac3aa46","gsm":"923001234567"},{"status":"OK","messageid":"fd1be2b5-ff9a-419b-890c-9821e715de36","gsm":"923331234567"}]}

Send Single Unicode SMS Via HTTP API

Below simple HTTP GET / POST METHOD example is given. Please click on it to check api interference


Successful Out Put Response

{"success":"true","type":"Unicode API","totalprice":"1","totalgsm":"1","remaincredit":"87 SMS","results":[{"status":"OK","messageid":"f41ff6a4-58af-4de0-832a-23ddef3fb325","gsm":"923001234567"}]}

Send Multiple Unicode SMS Via HTTP API

Below simple HTTP GET / POST METHOD example is given. Please click on it to check api interference


Successful Out Put Response

{"success":"true","type":"Unicode BULKSMS API","totalprice":"3","totalgsm":"3","remaincredit":"67 SMS","results":[{"status":"OK","messageid":"803bc8ec-2524-422b-a28a-5f2f51c3c454","gsm":"923101234567"},{"status":"OK","messageid":"e6458553-d12b-4ffb-8e73-f1345ac3aa46","gsm":"923001234567"},{"status":"OK","messageid":"fd1be2b5-ff9a-419b-890c-9821e715de36","gsm":"923331234567"}]}

Send Scheduled SMS for Future Reservation Via JSON API

Below simple HTTP GET / POST METHOD example is given.


Successful Out Put Response

{"success":"true","type":"Schedule API","totalprice":"5","totalgsm":"1","remaincredit":"57 SMS","results":[{"status":"OK","messageid":"01ffd596-6b2f-4906-8686-6702f4bc67e6","gsm":"923101234567"}]}


using System; 
using System.Net; 
using System.Web;

public class Program 
public static void Main() 
string MyUsername = "userxxx"; //Your Username 
string MyPassword = "92***"; //Your Password 
string toNumber = "923****"; //Recepient cell phone number with country code 
string Masking = "SMS Alert"; //Your Company Brand Name 
string MessageText = "SMS Sent using .Net"; 
string jsonResponse = SendSMS(Masking, toNumber, MessageText, MyUsername , MyPassword); 
//Console.Read(); //to keep console window open if trying in visual studio 
public static string SendSMS(string Masking, string toNumber, string MessageText, string MyUsername , string MyPassword) 
String URI = "sms.pksol.com" + 
"/web_distributor/api/sms.php?" + 
"username=" + MyUsername + 
"&password=" + MyPassword + 
"&sender=" + Masking + 
"&mobile=" + toNumber + 
"&message=" + Uri.UnescapeDataString(MessageText); // Visual Studio 10-15 
"//&message=" + System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(MessageText);// Visual Studio 12 
WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(URI); 
WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse(); 
var sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()); 
return sr.ReadToEnd().Trim(); 
catch (WebException ex) 
var httpWebResponse = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse; 
if (httpWebResponse != null) 
switch (httpWebResponse.StatusCode) 
case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: 
return "404:URL not found :" + URI; 
case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: 
return "400:Bad Request"; 
return httpWebResponse.StatusCode.ToString(); 
return null; 

API Parameters

username Your Login Username (Required)
password Your Login Password (Required)
sender Your company Name/Brand Name like "xyz" Displayed of Recipient Mobile (Required)
mobile Recipient Mobile Number (Required)
message Message For Recipient (Required)
type Type = unicode for unicode SMS (OPTIONAL)
date dd-mm-YYYY Example: 25-02-2014 (OPTIONAL)
time hh:mm:ss Example: 21:30:55 (OPTIONAL)
format Type is xml and json. Not Case sensitive. If set, the result will be returned according to the type specified. (OPTIONAL)

Return Response and their Meanings

OK The message was successfully accepted for delivery.
1 Invalid Username Or Password
2 Please Type Username
3 Please Type Password
4 Please Type Sender ID
-4 Invalid Sender ID This Sender ID Is Not Register From P.T.A
Sender ID Up to 11 Words Please Type Short Sender ID
5 Please Type Receiver Mobile Number
6 Please Type Your Message
-6 Message Length Exceeded More Than 612 Character (type = Text)
Message Length Exceeded More Than 338 Character (type = unicode)
8 Low Credit Please Recharge Your Credit
9 SMS Rejected
7 Invalid Recipient Mobile Numbers Please Type Correct Mobile Number
10 Error! SMS Sending Failed Please Try Again Or Contact To Support
11 Invalid Date For Scheduled!


sms.pksol.com/web_distributor/api/personalized.php?username=&password=***&sender=BrandName&url=sms.pksol.com/dynamic_sample.csv&message=Dear Parents!Your Son %23B%23 Got %23C%23 Marks In %23D%23, Your Son Result Is %23E%23 Please Contact With School For More Details
$username = "";///Your Username
$password = "password";///Your Password
$sender = "SenderID";
$url = "sms.pksol.com/dynamic_sample.csv";
$message = "Dear Parents! Your Son #B# Got #C# Marks In #D#, Your Son Result Is #E# Please Contact With School For More Details.";

////sending sms

$post = "sender=".urlencode($sender)."&url=".$url."&message=".urlencode($message)."";
$url = "sms.pksol.com/web_distributor/api/personalized.php?username=&password=***";
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 30; // set to zero for no timeout
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$post);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$result = curl_exec($ch); 
/*Print Responce*/
echo $result; 

Parameter For Dynamic SMS API

username Your Login Username (Required)
password Your Login Password (Required)
sender Your company Name/Brand Name like "xyz" Displayed of Recipient Mobile (Required)
url txt,csv,xls,xlsx File Link (Required)
message Message For Recipient (Required)
duplicate Type 0 For Remove Duplicate Numbers OR Type 1 For Don't Remove Duplicate Numbers (OPTIONAL)
type Type = unicode for unicode SMS (OPTIONAL)
format Type is xml and json. Not Case sensitive. If set, the result will be returned according to the type specified. (OPTIONAL)

Return Response and their Meanings

OK The message was successfully accepted for delivery.
1 Invalid Username Or Password
2 Please Type Username
3 Please Type Password
4 Please Type Sender ID
-4 Invalid Sender ID This Sender ID Is Not Register From P.T.A
Sender ID Up to 11 Words Please Type Short Sender ID
5 Please Type Receiver Mobile Number
6 Please Type Your Message
-6 Message Length Exceeded More Than 612 Character (type = Text)
Message Length Exceeded More Than 338 Character (type = unicode)
8 Low Credit Please Recharge Your Credit
9 SMS Rejected
7 Invalid Recipient Mobile Numbers Please Type Correct Mobile Number
10 Error! SMS Sending Failed Please Try Again Or Contact To Support
11 Invalid Date For Scheduled!

HTTP API For Delivery Reports


$username = "";///Your Username
$password = "password";///Your Password
$id = '***';////unique message id

////Getting Delivery Reports

$post = "id=".$id." ";
$url = "sms.pksol.com/web_distributor/api/delivery.php?username=".$username."&password=".$password.""; 
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 30; // set to zero for no timeout
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$post);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$result = curl_exec($ch); 
/*Print Responce*/
echo $result; 

API Parameters

username Your Login Username (Required)
password Your Login Password (Required)
id Unique Message ID (Required)

Delivery Report Documentation


Each Message Returns A Unique Identifier in The Form Of Transaction ID.

URL To Get Single Message Delivery


JSON Success Response

{"success":"true","results":[{"id":"260","api_id":"a2371b64-4da5-44d5-9955-34c82682c8d0","delivery":"Sent","sender":"SMS Alert","mobile":"923101234567","length":"11","price":"1","operator":"Zong (Paktel)","country":"Pakistan","date":"15:41:06 PM 19-09-17"}]}

URL To Get Multiple Message Delivery


JSON Success Response

{"success":"true","results":[{"id":"260","api_id":"a2371b64-4da5-44d5-9955-34c82682c8d0","delivery":"Sent","sender":"DD Labs","mobile":"923001234567","length":"11","price":"1","operator":"Zong (Paktel)","country":"Pakistan","date":"15:41:06 PM 19-09-17"},{"id":"256","api_id":"89936c10-79ba-4252-84d5-e0c555405713","delivery":"Sent","sender":"DD Labs","mobile":"923101234567","length":"4","price":"1","operator":"Zong (Paktel)","country":"Pakistan","date":"12:46:23 PM 19-09-17"}]}


{"success":"false","results":[{"status":"5","error":"Invalid Message ID"}]}

Error Codes Descriptions


1Invalid Username Or Password
2Please Type Username
3Please Type Password
4Please Type Delivery ID
5Invalid Message ID

Success Response Description

IdMessage Delivery Id i.e. (a2371b64-4da5-44d5-9955-34c82682c8d0)
deliveryDelivery Status i.e. (Delivered , Failed , Sent )
senderMasking ID i.e. (SMS Alert)
mobileRecipient Mobile Number i.e. (923001234567)
lengthMessage Length i.e. (142 Characters)
priceSubmitted Message Price i.e. (0.02)
operatorNetwork Operator i.e. (Mobilink)
countryCountry Name i.e. (Pakistan)
dateSent Message Time (17:45:10 PM 07-12-15)

HTTP API For Balance

$username = '';///Your Username
$password = 'password';///Your Password
$url = "sms.pksol.com/web_distributor/api/balance_check.php?username=".$username."&password=".$password.""; 
$ch  =  curl_init();
$timeout  =  30;
curl_setopt ($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url) ;
curl_setopt ($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout) ;
$response = curl_exec($ch) ;
curl_close($ch) ; 
//Write out the response
echo $response ;

API Parameters

username Your Login Username (Required)
password Your Login Password (Required)
format Type is xml and json. Not Case sensitive. If set, the result will be returned according to the type specified. (OPTIONAL)

Return Response and their Meanings

OK Successful Result.
1 Invalid Username Or Password
2 Please Type Username
3 Please Type Password

Integration with Hundreds of Apps

Our API Support All Major Platforms.

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sms.pksol.com team is fully supported service of bulk SMS with clients.We provide of SMS Service offering SMS Marketing, Voice SMS and Bulk SMS with the latest technology and Marketing Solutions. Our team is here to available for customer helping.
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